Positive Feedback

(All quotations are posted with the commenting author's express approval.)


"Given the increased popularity of Objectivism among the general public--and a growing interest among the young in the serious study of the philosophy--a site such as this has become a logical necessity to maintain the integrity of the Objectivist intellectual movement. The site's predominate focus on "just the facts" is an effective way to deal with those unqualified persons who would presume to speak for Objectivism in order to cash-in on that popularity and on that interest and in so doing, subvert the integrity of the philosophy.

My congratulations--for their perspicacity, courage and restraint--to the principals and to the associates responsible."
~Steven Brockerman · Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

"I am thankful for alerts such as these that are presented in this site. It was the David Kelley controversy (in Wikipedia) that served as the first alert, leading me to identify my own Libertarian premises.  Of course, even after identification, it took me years to clarify my thought process, and it's likely that there are some areas that require further clarification. But the good thing is that over the last five years it has become easier to clarify one's premises, and this site is clearly a step in the right direction."
~ Rohin Gupta · Senior Software Engineer 

"I'm really happy to hear that this is going to be a real resource. It's hard to find a place to gather information and this will make it easy for new people like me...Personally, I believe that if you study Objectivism, you MUST study LP, so when I heard her jury service podcast (I'm an attorney, so I found the topic interesting), I found it a bit disturbing that she made such harsh comments about him. That's when I dropped her because she appeared desperate to get attention. I'm surprised that more people haven't discovered that on their own. Thanks for creating this resource - it's needed more than you know and will be greatly appreciated."
~Serena Smith · San Francisco, California

"I would like to thank all the principals and associates for putting together this resource. It is a necessary and needed website to begin combating the Pseudo-Objectivist drivel polluting cyberspace."
~David McBride · Kearney, Nebraska

"When I first discovered Ayn Rand in the early-1980s, Ron Paul was my congressman and the national headquarters for the Libertarian Party was in my hometown. In my excitement to find “kindred spirits,” I eagerly embraced both. It only took a few months to discover that the Libertarian Party was not “the political party of Ayn Rand.” But had this site existed, it would have saved me time, money, and grief."
~ Brian Phillips · Houston, Texas

"I love this! It fills me with such joy to see true and honest Objectivists, among a swamp of name-droppers, second-handers, and concept thieves! I will be spending very much time on this website, for it stands in complete accordance with what Objectivism is. Thank you!"
~Randall Doyle · Bedford, Virginia

"This is to publicly inform fellow Objectivists... that after careful consideration I am in support of the CP web site and the intentions behind it. I owe much to the courage of [the Principals], and others, who made this happen in the first place. If anything, I wish I had declared my public support sooner."
~Frode Odegard  · Menlo Park, California